It’s nearly election time and your letterboxes are about to be spammed with political literature.
The difference between ours and Labour’s is that ours is fact and not fiction. Truth and not falsehoods. Be careful!
I’ve just seen their election literature and it’s what we would expect from them - new mistruths, old mistruths that have already been debunked and no plan.
Where they do seem to have any form of plan, it’s where they are simply copying us at Tamworth Conservatives
They’ve had the numbers on the council and done nothing. Go and watch council meetings for yourselves on YouTube and you will see for yourselves.
It will be an eye opener for your for sure!
So, I’ll refute (again) what you’re about to be spammed with by them:
1) They’ll revitalise the Town Centre
PLAGIARISM - Actually we, your local Conservatives, are the ones who secured £40M of investment and are doing just that, right now. They’re copying a Conservative pledge.
2) They’ll clean up our town and tackle fly-tipping
PLAGIARISM and MISTRUTH - Actually we have a clean town on the whole. We have just, however, increased the team size and added more vehicles in the budget. We also increased the fine for fly tipping to maximum AND implemented covert CCTV. How can they increase to the maximum when we have already done it?
3) They will provide a front desk council service
PLAGIARISM and MISTRUTH - We have already pledged this. It was in the public domain in my report, well in advance of them adding to their leaflet. It was also discussed at a public meeting, so is clearly on public record. Please see my recent post explaining this in detail too.
Apparently they’ll be a fresh start for Tamworth. If it’s a fresh start then why simply copy everything the Local Conservativeshave done and/or are already doing? They have no ideas, that’s why.
Instead of the Conservative Tribute Act that they’re offering, we already are the real thing.
It’s that simple on 2nd May